CommuniGate Pro
Version 5.3

CalDAV Module

The CommuniGate Pro Server supports the CalDAV protocol.

This protocol allows CalDAV clients to access and modify Calendaring and Tasks data stored in the user Account on the Server.                                      

Accessing Calendar and Tasks data

Any Calendaring or Tasks Mailbox can be accessed using the following URLs:
where port is the HTTP User port (8100, 9100 by default).
If the mailboxName ends with the ics file extension, the Server removes that extension.
If the mailboxName is empty, the Server uses the Default Calendar name.

All CalDAV data requests must be authenticated: the user should specify the Account name and password. The Account and its Domain must have their WebCal Service enabled.

If the user Domain Name or Domain Alias name is, the HTTP User port is 80, and the Mailbox name is Calendar, the access URL is

Any Calendar-type or Tasks-type Mailbox can be accessed this way. To access a Mailbox in a different Account, the full Mailbox name should be specified:
The authenticated user should have proper access rights to retrieve and/or modify data in Mailboxes belonging to other users.

Configuring the CalDAV Module

The CalDAV protocol works over the HTTP protocol, so the CalDAV module does not have its own settings.

Using the Publish/Subscribe (ICS) method

The CommuniGate Pro HTTP User module implements an older, pre-CalDAV method of dealing with data in Calendar and Task Mailboxes.
The module allows client applications to retrieve all items using the iCalendar format. This operation is often called subscribing to Calendar data.
The module also allows client applications to rewrite the Mailbox content new iCalendar-formatted data (to publish calendaring data).

The URL for Calendaring data is:

where port is the HTTP User port (8100, 9100 by default).
If the mailboxName ends with the ics file extension, the server removes that extension.
If the mailboxName is empty, the Server uses the Default Calendar name.

All Calendaring data requests must be authenticated: the user should specify the Account name and password. The Account and its Domain must have their WebCal Service enabled.

If the user Domain Name or Domain Alias name is, the HTTP User port is 80, and the Mailbox name is Calendar, the access URL is

Any Calendar-type or Tasks-type Mailbox can be accessed this way. To access a Mailbox in a different Account, the full Mailbox name should be specified:
The authenticated user should have proper access rights to retrieve and/or modify data in Mailboxes belonging to other users.

The HTTP module supports the following HTTP operations for the /CalendarData/ realm:

Some applications do not support the DELETE method. These applications expect that the PUT operation removes all previous information from the Calendar Mailbox.
To support these applications, use the CalendarDataDel realm instead of the CalendarData realm, or include the DeleteAll="1" parameter into the URL.
In this case each PUT operation will be preceeded with a virtual DELETE operation removing all existing iCalendar items from the Mailbox.

CommuniGate® Pro Guide. Copyright © 1998-2010, Stalker Software, Inc.